Field trials
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Index of trials
Harvest year
Subject area
Cereals and pulses
Organic farming
Forage crops
Seeds and industrial crops
Crop Protection
Trial series
-- Select trial plan --
010052525 Spring barley, Supplementary variety trials
010062525 Winter wheat varieties
010082525 Winter barley varieties
010092525 Winter rye varieties
010242525 Characterization of winter wheat varieties after early and late sowing
010252525 Characterisation of winter wheat varieties after early and late sowing
010502525 Winter peas
010602525 Sowing of spring barley in autumn
011012525 Vinterbygsorter, A og B-sorter
011022525 Winter rye varieties, A and B varieties
011032525 Triticalesorter, A og B-sorter
011042525 Winter wheat varieties, A and B
011052525 Spring barley varieties (A-varieties and B-varieties)
011062525 Oat varieties (A-varieties and B-varieties)
011072525 Spring wheat varieties (A-varieties and B-varieties)
011082525 Field pea varieties, A and B-varieties
011112525 Faba beans, A and B varieties
011132525 Lupinsorter, A-sorter.
011202525 Winter rye varieties, A and B varieties
011212525 Winter rye varieties, A and B varieties
011512525 Winter barley varieties, A+ and B, with and without fungicide treatment
011522525 Winter rye varieties, A+ and B, with and without fungicide treatment
011532525 Triticale varieties, A+ and B, with and without fungicide treatment
011542525 Winter wheat varieties, A+ and B, with and without fungicide treatment.
011552525 Spring barley varieties, A+ and B-varieties, with and without fungicide treatment
011562525 Oat varieties, A+ and B-varieties, with and without fungicide treatment
011572525 Spring wheat varieties, A+ and B-varieties, with and without fungicide treatment
020022525 August sowing of clovergrass and wintervetch, balansa or crimson clover
020102525 Samdyrkning af vårsæd til konsum
020112525 DEMO: Co-cropping of winter crops for consumation - species and varieties
020122525 DEMO: Co-cropping of winter crops for consumation - seeding rates
020192525 Organiske gødninger til økologisk vårsæd - med lattergasmålinger
020202425 Fastliggende plantebaseret gødningsforsøg med lattergasmålinger (4 år)
020212525 Organiske gødninger til økologisk vårsæd
020222525 Nitrous oxide emission at gradually increasing slurry amounts in organic spring crops
020242525 Organic lupine for plant-based foods
020252525 Cultivation of white lupine for comsumption
020262525 Peas & Live - field peas
020272525 Organic lentils for plant based foods
020282525 Legumes for consumption
020292525 Strategi mod særlig besværligt frøukrudt – vintersæd
020302525 Ukrudtseffekt af stubharvning + af afpudsning af undersået efterafgrøde
020372425 Legumes - with and without cover crops - AFTER EFFECT
020392425 The effect of cover crops to alleviate manganese deficiency in organic spring barley
020412525 Cover crops for optimum biomass production
020502525 Struvit som startgødning til økologiske stivelseskartofler
020702525 Sowing time and seed quantity in hybrid rye
020802525 Optimized cultivation of organic autumn-sown spring wheat
020812525 Optimized cultivation of organic winter wheat
020822525 Effect of undersown cover crops
020832525 Minimizing attacks from barley gout fly in organic spring barley with variety choice and seeding time
021012525 Varieties of oat, organic grown
021022525 Organic winter wheat variety mixtures and heterogenous material
021042525 Varieties of spring barley, organically grown
021052525 Organic faba bean varieties
030022425 Cutting strategies in alfalfa mixtures, 1. harvest year
030032525 Såtid og dæksæd ved sensommerudlæg af kløvergræs
030052425 Multi species mixtures for cutting, establishment year
030092525 Plant density in maize
030142525 Maize variaties for grain maize
030152525 Trial plan for calculation of feeding value in earlage in the trialplan 030142323
030202525 Spot placement of starter Fertilizer for Maize
030222525 Strip tillage in corn on sandy soil with and without irrigation
030352525 DEMO: Monitoring of types of catch crops in maize with drone and satellite
031012525 Varieties of beet to feed and bioenergy
031022225 Varieties of Kentucky blue grass, 2nd year of use
031112225 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue cutting trial, 2nd. year of use
031112325 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, hybrid ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue, cutting trial, 1st. year of use
031112425 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue cutting trial, year of establishment
031122225 Cultivars of red clover cutting trial 2nd year of use
031122425 Cultivars of red clover cutting trial YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT
031132425 Varieties of alfalfa, cutting trial, year of establishment
031142225 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue grazing trial, 2nd year of use.
031142325 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, hybrid ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue grazing trial, 1st year of use
031142425 Varieties of perennial ryegrass, festulolium and tall fescue grazing trial, year of establishment
031162225 Cultivars of timothy, cutting trial 2nd. YEAR OF USE (2 cultivars)
031182325 Cultivars of white clover cutting trial 1st year of use
031182425 Cultivars of white clover cutting trial YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT
031192525 Maize varieties for wholecrop silage, A and B variaties - warm climate
031202525 Maize varieties for wholecrop silage, A+ and B varieties - warm climate
031212525 Maize varieties for wholecrop silage, A+ and B varieties
031222525 Maize varieties for wholecrop silage, A and B variaties - cold climate
040022525 Fremtidens skimmelstrategi for kartoffelsorter med ny resistens
040072525 DEMO: Kemisk og biologisk bekæmpelse af kartoffelskimmel i sorter med forskellige niveauer af resistens
040102525 Bekæmpelse af kartoffelskimmel ved brug af forskellige doseringer af kemiske og biologiske blandingspartnere
040132525 Bladgødskning af stivelseskartofler
040142525 Effekt af nitrifikationshæmmere ved brug af organiske gødninger
040152325 Biochar til spisekartofler
040172525 Test af forskellige typer af afgasset gylle til stivelseskartofler
040182525 Varietey test of starch potatoes
040272525 Kaliumudnyttelse og knoldkvalitet ved anvendelse af biokul til stivelseskartofler
040282525 Afprøvning af stivelseskartoffelsorter ved forskellige kvælstof-tildelinger
040362525 DEMO: Mekanisk og termisk vækststandsning af læggekartofler
050012525 Rape seed varieties
050202525 Control of Vulpia in winter wheat - logaritmic spraying
050282525 Disease control in perrenial ryegrass
050402525 Fertilizer strategy in turf types of perrenial ryegrass
051042525 Winter oil seed rape, A+ og B-sorter
051052525 Winter oil seed raper, A og B-sorter
052032525 Fertilizer strategy in turf types of perrenial ryegrass
052042525 Fertilizer strategy in turf types of perrenial ryegrass
052052525 Fertilizer strategy in turf types of perrenial ryegrass
052102525 Bekæmpelse af væselhale i rødsvingel. DLF
052112525 Bekæmpelse af væselhale i rødsvingel. DLF
052282525 Rowspraying in Kentucky Bluegrass
052292525 Rowspraying in Kentucky Bluegrass
052302525 Growth regulation in Perenial ryegrass.
052422525 Weed control in clover. DLF
060012525 N-ejendomme, stigende kvælstofmængder til vårbyg uden husdyrgødning
060022525 DEMO: Long term effects of non-ploughing cultivation 23th year
060032525 Sowing time and seed quantity in hybrid rye
060052525 Yield effects of slurry application techniques in barley, without N2O measurements
060062525 DEMO: Long term effects of non-ploughing cultivation 23th year
060092525 N-ejendomme, stigende kvælstofmængder til vårbyg uden husdyrgødning
060102525 Winter barley varieties, A+ and B, with and without fungicide treatment
060122525 Cutting strategies in alfalfa mixtures, 1. harvest year
070042525 N-ejendomme, stigende kvælstofmængder til vårbyg uden husdyrgødning
070052425 Grass as intermediate crop after spring barley
070052525 Græsudlæg som mellemafgrøde efter vårbyg
070092525 N-ejendomme, stigende kvælstofmængder til vårbyg uden husdyrgødning
070141725 N-ejendomme: Stigende mængder kvælstof til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning
070152425 Sustainable production of maize
070192125 Kvælstofmængder til vårbyg uden husdyrgødning
070202525 Græsudlæg som mellemafgrøde efter vårbyg
070212525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070222525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070252525 Significance of yield on nitrogen leaching
070262525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070282525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070292525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070312525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070332525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070382525 Nitrogen for silage maize
070422525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070432525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning med forskellige sensormålinger
070532525 Analysemetoder til fastlæggelse af fosforbehovet i vårbyg
070552325 Large scale trial for N-fertilizer strategy in spring barley
070552525 Large scale trial for graduated P application in spring barley
070572325 Phosphorus effect of biochar in spring barley
070572425 Phosphorus effect of biochar in spring barley
070572525 Phosphorus effect of biochar in spring barley
070582525 DEMO: Monitoring water content and yield in corn.
070592525 DEMO: Monitoring water content and yield in corn.
070602525 DEMO: Monitoring water content and yield in corn.
070772525 Stigende N - Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede - med lattergasmålinger
070822525 N2O effects of different slurry application strategies in barley and winter wheat, with N2O measurements
070852525 Yield effects of slurry application techniques in barley, without N2O measurements
070862525 Yield effects of slurry application techniques in barley, without N2O measurements
070892525 Fertilization of maize with variabel slurry amounts
070902525 Slurry equipment for Conservation Agriculture in spring barley.
070942525 N2O effect of separated and unseparated digested slurry
070952525 Yield effects of slurry treatments in barley, without N2O measurements
070962525 Effects of slurry treatments in barley, with N2O measurements
070972525 Yield effects of slurry application techniques in barley, without N2O measurements
070982525 Yield effects of slurry application techniques in barley, without N2O measurements
070992525 Effektteknik vårbyg - med lattergasbestemmelse
080012125 CA and sustainable farming
080022425 CA and sustainable farming
080032125 CA and sustainable farming
080202425 KortDrænN2O -Effekten af dræningstilstand på lattergas udledningen
080212225 Testing biochar in winter wheat
080232325 Testing biochar in winter wheat
080282525 Stigende N - Nitrogen fertilizer for sugar beet with suction cups - Lolland
080292525 Stigende N - Nitrogen fertilizer for sugar beet with suction cups - Lolland
080302225 Biostimulants in cereal
080392325 Testing biochar in spring barley
081042025 DEMO: Long term effects of non-ploughing cultivation 23th year
090092525 Disease control during flowering in oilseed rape
090762525 Monitoring lodging in winter wheat, Large scale trial
091662525 Control of aphids and gall midges in winter wheat
091722525 Companion crops (cereals) in oilseed rape and effect against flea beetle
091732525 Control of cabbage stem weevil in winter oilseed rape
091912425 Control of Artemisia vulgaris in cereals
091912525 Control of Artemisia vulgaris in cereals
091922525 Control of resistant dicot weed
091932525 Control of weeds in spring barley
091942525 Adjuvants for better efficacy of grass herbicides in winterwheat
091952525 Interreow hoeing in Maize
091962525 Interrow hoeing and spraying in winterwheat
210012525 EGEN PLAN: Spring barley, all. With and without fungicide theatment
210042525 EGEN PLAN: Spring barley, all. With and without fungicide theatment
270012525 Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning
270022525 Kvælstofmængder til vinterhvede uden husdyrgødning
290012525 Companion crops (cereals) in oilseed rape and effect against flea beetle
290022525 Companion crops (cereals) in oilseed rape and effect against flea beetle
Serial no.
Trial unit